

时间:2024-03-06 12:36



  Graduation, parting, adne...

  So he wandered for three more year, three year. And o he wandered away. Have had the dream, have the recollection, have had the cry and the mile. And o, gradually, the cloud diappeared. Maybe the mit will vanih in the dawn, rain in the ky, a the now melt in the un. Jut like thi, quietly, lowly, in the heart germination, growing a kind of thinking, a kind of not give up, a kind of heartache.

  Thi i the econd graduation in life, till remember primary chool graduation, did not give up, there i a kind of liberation, there i no remembrance, there i a kind of digut, there i no heartache, there i a kind of happine. Mi at that time, not everything, don't cry for the broken friendhip, jut very happy to get the diploma, out of the door mile on their face, not back, alo don't remember ome of what on purpoe.

  Graduated from junior high chool, ha a bleak, each ign a clamate alumni, each write a meage, heart there will alway be ripple tirred, would you want to be, there i a ene of heartache, only three year, eem to be on the heart carved a ymbol of the eternal, forever, forever, whenever picked up the graduation, carefully looked at the face of the dramatic, looking at that a face hang a mile, that i full of childih and naive face, alway with a mile to hed tear, tear like the un. Friend ay that uch eparation i nothing, the departure of the univerity i more painful, I want to ee everyone in the heart of each peron to leave, to be far away from their own. I can not help but a hiver, there i uch a eparation, uch a painful eparation, but thi year' departure alo let me not. The firt tate of don't give up, the firt tate of ad, break up for the firt time, there i nothing I can do, can only tand in itu, watching the people around me to run, finally diappeared in the my eye level.

  Seem to be in the evening, to how their true feeling, becaue it wa dark, o no one will notice your own orrow, no one will ee their tear, no one will ee the weak himelf, in the evening, no longer h2, don't have to hold my head high like during the day, head and aid: "the graduate, I am not afraid of parting, I am h2!!!!! I'm not afraid of it! No more, I can confidently tell myelf, I don't give up, I am afraid of eparation, the people around me leave themelve, the fake mile finally can ret.

  For parting, heard a ong of "jut", that i a kind of tore heart crack lung of pain, the high-pitched, fidgety heart could no longer hold any h2, collape before the ong, face the reality of the eparation, the heart once again by pain. Liten to other, lonely people will remember everyone around them, lonely people will be around each peron' departure and heartache tear. Beginning, I believe that thi entence, becaue I am not lonely, o I often can't remember a peron' full name, gradually, I ee, they have already occupied the poition in my heart, I have to remember the ide of every one, alo for the left ide any one heart, thi repreent a I am a lonely peron? "I aked myelf everal time. I am not lonely, I am not lonely, now I can be proud to ay, becaue I am loved, loved by people, know how to love other. I let everyone around me live in my heart, I love them with my heart, even if, when I leave, I will hurt, I will till love them, forever.[本内容由 作文吧 wWW.8zuoWen.Com 整理]

  Graduation, parting, heartache, but I have not forgotten our dream, belong to our home.


  In golden June; In June, a ymbol of maturity; In June, full of eparation, we left our Alma mater after all. From then on, the teacher' laughter and word, which we have been accutomed to for ix year, became a dream, cattered on the frontier of memory. When I came to the chool gate, I aw the campu till butling, but there were not o many familiar face, tear ran down my cheek, and uddenly I remembered that I had cried here before.

  The ame autumn, ame harvet, ame eparation, alo tear. On the fourth grade, I lot my beloved teacher, the autumn wind howling, the place where I wa alone in the former teacher tood, wa a child and the teacher' drib and drab, tear guhed out the eye ocket, tear on the heart, really hurt hurt. Curled up in a corner, tear wet the collar. Suddenly, a hand fell on my houlder, and the voice went off: "eparation i not terrible, it i terrible to loe courage to face. Man, to fly higher and farther, mut undergo eparation, and mut not fear eparation. You have to be fearle, only to fly high, to pleae the teacher. Now your teacher jut leave you, you want to ee her can at any time, but if you are alway drifting, how about flying high, you really want your teacher to ee you later, ad i not fair, worry about your future? She might think that it wa her death that ruined your life. So, in any cae, be h2." "Teacher, but I really want to think of her. I don't want to be eparated. I want to be with you forever, teacher, pleae, Mr. Song i no longer with me, you mut not go." My feeling can no longer be repreed, tightly embrace the teacher, do not want to eparate. "The teacher will leave ooner or later, even your parent can't tay with you forever. So, baby, don't cry, face it. We can't go back to the future. What we can do i eize the preent, don't we?" "The teacher conoled. "Well, Sir, don't worry, I'll try." Finally, I want to undertand, but the tear are cattered here forever.

  Now, the teacher' word are efficaciou, we want to eparate after all. But I alo undertand that I can't cry, I can't be o elfih. I want to be brave, don't alway worry. Blame yourelf. I topped crying and miled and hugged the bright unlight. Becaue I believe: tomorrow will be better. Goodbye, Alma mater, I will return, although I have graduated.


  I thought that graduation i omething hengliibie, mainly on TV can often ee ome people in parting cried her eye out at the local tation, like dying in the ight of thee people i their parent, or i it on the car then go to the battlefield, hang up.

  In fact, I think graduation i a good thing, after all, ome people you hate don't have to ee you again, and you don't have to be een by people who hate you, why not? A for thoe who want to be good, they will be contacted again in the future, but the whole i dibanded, but the inpidual i till there, and there i only one peron who i called the head teacher.

  And thi fellow, I weat at the thought of it. Soon the exam, one of them began to write the ame a the ghot, a for the later lucky enough to get a roommate of the ame chool record to watch, and almot paed out on the pot. It felt like a group of people writing eulogie to each other. I aw a guy who wrote a full page, and I aked my roommate who he wa, how did he pull o much? My roommate came to me and aked me to put our dormitory on the pot again.

  My roommate aid, "I don't know him. I aked one of their clamate to give him one at random.

  I immediately lot faith in my clamate. It remind me of the popular writing in my cla when I wa in junior high chool. So I alo bought a, when a good friend of me, I aid tube to you in the afternoon, he aid to me a few day time brewing brewing, I think, you and I relationhip i good, there are a lot of word to ay perhap undertandable. So I aid ok.

  A few day later, I finally received the long overdue copy of my clamate, and I can't let it go.

  He wrote: if you want to go, or give you four word, everything goe well.

  I made a contribution to my mother' people' hopital.

  All thee thing, not in word.

  But after graduating from high chool, I alo had a little bit of trouble when I left the dormitory. When I left, I gave each of them a cigarette, and I aid that I would not moke it, and I would jut finih it with me. The moment I went out, I looked at the moke in the room and my eye were a little blurred.

  Graduation i a very ad thing for ome people, including me. Forget i the lat reort, I hope you will ee the former clamate in the treet, pleae do not call A jun to embrace the prince.


  From the ignorant child to the enible teenager, gradually, ix year paed, in a month to the New Year, half a emeter ha paed, how time flie! The ignorance of childhood, joy, how happy it wa in that innocent golden age...

  Everybody, cry to forget, mile to be happy, when the mood i bad, love hair mall temper, happy when everything i good. Thee are the change in life, watching time lowly paing, wrinkle lowly climb up parent' face... Only then began to realize that he knew, he grew up, he matured. Before, in cla, my clamate and I chaed each other and ran around the claroom. The port meeting, with the monitor, the tudent to contribute; To open a party, to organize program, to ing and dance, to play mall game; During the examination, the ilence i ilent, one by one, one by one; When chool wa over, the tudent trooped out of the campu. In thi campu, there are many happy, happy, full of love: the teacher' love for clamate, the care of clamate... , that not only the campu, i a loving family, graduated from fat, really love, after all, to learn there for ix year, half of the emeter i fat in the pat, in more than half of the emeter, we will leave the campu, we grew up, however, i no longer the ignorance of children, we learned in the chool to be moral, all tored in our memorie, jut like yeterday jut learning knowledge, uch a new memory.

  Excitement i fun, but will you be happy after graduation? No one know, maybe ome of you are thinking of the teacher of your Alma mater, you can come back to ee the teacher! Perhap ome tudent thinking i not a teacher, but in the memory of hi Alma mater, for fear that it hould be lot, but it' like a bain of water, the more you ue it, it i fuzzy, finally diappeared, even when you walk on the life path, you will have more good memorie... I am very happy I will oon graduate, but I am afraid I will forget the life of every one teacher who taught me, becaue they told me: "life i not only convenient to yourelf, alo want to think about other!" .

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