

时间:2023-03-22 11:36



  Bullying eem to be an iue we hear about in the media more often in recent time. Perhap becaue of the popularity of ocial media on the internet, many people can expre their feeling, experience and opinion a lot eaier. What define bullying i alo changing. It ued to be the mot baic form: phyical violence. New tudent to the chool getting puhed againt locker i a common depiction. Nowaday, poting mean meage on omeone' internet page can alo be conidered bullying. Some people' feeling were hurt badly by thee ill-intended meage, leading to dire conequence.


  Bullying, a far a I know, i prevalent in econdary chool. Mot of u have een or even experienced that more or le. Some bullying lead to tragedy conequence, which draw public attention nationwide. I believe there are ome factor that contribute to the prevalence of chool' bullying.

  Naturally, ‘chooling' hould be the mot obviou and unignorable reaon that come into our mind at the beginning, becaue our children pend mot of their time in chool and it' the chool' reponibility to protect them and eradicate any form of bullying. Second, ‘parenting' i another important factor that can't be neglected. A we all know, parent are the bet teacher for children in thi world. Our offpring will imitate everything from wording to the way their parent treat other. Therefore, one can't expect a couple of dominating and violent parent will have a gentle and courteou child. And lat, media influence ha gradually become an influential force that project negative impact to children' mind. Some juvenile delinquent who had committed eriou crime by bullying their choolmate confeed that the violence on TV had greatly changed their mind a well a behaviour.










  The how Britih Got Talented i very popular around the world, it i the original how. A it i o hot and many talented people have found their tage,it influence on other countrie can’t be ignored. Lat night, I aw an epiode of a boy compoing a ong with hi friend, it reminded the public of the iue of anti-bully in campu.→8zuowen.com←


  When the boy and hi friend tood on the tage, he wa o hy and he looked very nice. He told the audience that they would ing a ong which wa compoed by himelf and the judge were o looking forward to hearing it. A the boy ung, the audience ened hi mierable day in hi childhood, he wa bullied by the higher grade tudent. Hi friend ung the part of giving hope. The judge were o touched and they poke highly of thi inpring ong.


  There are alway ome big guy trying to control the ituation, o they bully other. Thi behavior i condemned by the public. The one who play the role of bad guy i actually alway the one with weak heart. The movement of anti-bully in campu need everybody to care for each other.


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