

时间:2023-03-10 10:47



  The earth is our home, the mother of mankind, the cradle of life, had been tortured by the human was scarred. It is selfless to provide us with natural resources. So, protecting the earth is our bounden duty and responsibility. Low carbon life, is our mother is the best way to return to the earth.

  On one occasion, Im writing an article. But I think did not come up with a good story. A copy of the original manuscript paper be I tore up to only a few pages, at this moment, mom finds out, she reminded me: "my daughter, how do you develop such a bad habit of waste? Dont you know the paper is made of trees? If everyone is a waste of a piece of paper, and the countrys 1.3 billion people means destroying the forest, the earth is fragile, we must carefully protect the earth, we humans can live on the earth!" Listen to the mother, I feel so ashamed. Save resources, we should start from these trivial things around: save water, save electricity...

  Since learned last lesson, I would never waste paper. And "good ability to learn a low-carbon life" : the water that clean out rice can be used to water the flowers, not only make more lush flowers and plants, also can save resources; Dish washing water can be used to mop the floor or flush the toilet... Believe that everyone heard a word: if humans do not add abstemious waste of water resources, so the last drop of water in the world, will be the tear of human beings. Someone once did, as long as we are the Chinese save a drop of water, and that the country can save 45 tons of water. How amazing number! Associated with the motherland of the Yangtze river and the Yellow River, are made of a trickle of water together?

  Blue sky, white clouds, the mountains green trees and red flowers, birds singing, the fish in the water freely roam. What a harmony between man and nature landscape. Isnt that what people aspire to, look forward to? From this moment, protect the earth, low carbon life. Let our homes more beautiful, more green!






  As we all know,the environment around us is getting worse and worse.In some places we cant see fish swimming in the river or trees on the hills.Some people even have no clean water to drink.We should live a low-carbon life in order to protect the environnment . we can go to school on foot or by bike instead of taking a car.We had better use shopping basketbets instead of plastic bags when we go shopping.We should use both sides of the paper when we write.Dot use paper cups.At our school dinning room,use our own bowls and chopsticks instead of disposable ones.We can reuse the water and save the electricity.In a word,if everyone pays more attention to our environment,there will be less pollution and our life will be better.

  "There is only one earth",I hope everyone will protect our environment well.




  With the development of science and technology, more and more rich, along with the people on the street also slowly up more private cars, people gradually away from the low carbon life. Continue like this, will also affect other creatures, the earth will disappear from the universe.

  That will not save the earth? No, as long as from now on, our action, and save the planet, save yourself - low carbon life!

  Speaking of low-carbon life, since I can remember, my grandfather would help me to develop a good habit - which would be some waste paper and the cartons are collected, and then get a junkyard to sell. I still dont understand what then, is to save, now think about, if everybody can do so, the less we human beings will be able to cut down many trees! Every time I went to the supermarket shopping with my family, I will remind adults take environmental protection bag, normally we buy drinks will try to buy carton, it can reduce the "white pollution". Remember once in the supermarket, I saw a mother can toothpaste, get down, can say something like that to squeeze toothpaste is very clean, that can save a point. I said, "you see, it is made of plastic". Mother dont understand what that means. I say again: "in order to save a little toothpaste and make the earth a few more white trash, have what good"? Mom suddenly enlighted, even said: "yeah, yeah! This invention is really not worth ah"!

  Low carbon living there are a lot of tips! Such as water washing a face can be used to flush the toilet, watering the flowers. Washing machine wash clothes of water can be rigged up with small basin, which can be used to clean the floor, wipe furniture... These are all we can do some things at ordinary times.

  You see, low carbon life is so simple! Let us act together: everyone is to do with me!



  说起低碳生活,从我记事起,外公就帮我养成了一个很好的习惯——将一些废纸和纸箱都收集起来,然后拿到废品收购站去卖。那时我还不懂什么,只当是节约,现在想想,要是每个人都能这样做的话,那我们人类将可以少砍多少树呀!每次我和家人去超市购物,我都会提醒大人带上环保袋,平时我们买饮料会尽量买纸盒装的,那样可以减少“白色污染”。 记得有一回在超市,我妈妈看见一个可以挤牙膏的东西,就要买下来,说那样的话可以把牙膏挤的很干净,那可以节省点。我却说:“你看,这是用是塑料做的”。妈妈不明白是什么意思。我又说:“为了节省点一点牙膏而使地球上又多了一些白色垃圾,有什么好的”?妈妈恍然大悟,连说:“是呀,是呀!看来这个发明的确是得不偿失呀”!




  A recent period, I heard the word "low-carbon life". By reading a book, is a kind of low consumption, low carbon life low energy, low costs, thereby reducing carbon dioxide emissions way of life. In the process of access to information, I know the baoding is the pilot city of small and medium-sized cities in China, as a primary school student, what can I do for low carbon life?

  Before, I will turn the water every day, wash, wash a face USES 10 tons every month, now, the teacher told us to prepare two pails, used to store waste water. Waste water can be used to flush the toilet, mopping, watering the flowers. Also want to save electricity, after watching the computer or TV, to turn off the little red light on the outlet, in order to save power, as far as possible when the holiday homework during the day and night to turn off the lights for one hour early, use that one hour of time to go for a walk with my family. Both the power saving, and have played an important role in reducing weight, also enhance the feelings, is fully staffed! To use less disposable items (chopsticks, lunch boxes, etc.) to use less plastic bags, use environmental protection bags. Best travel on foot, private cars less, do less, do more buses. Thus do the "low consumption, low energy, low cost".

  Low carbon life, everybody is responsible for, let me first, protect the environment.




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