

时间:2023-03-24 13:12



  People often ay that the earth i like our mother. She give life to all the living thing on the earth and provide u with air, food, water and other eential thing we need for living.

  Once he wa beautifhl and rich, but now he become dirtier and dirtier, poorer and poorer. It i due to what we have done to her. Pleae have a good look at her: polluted river and lake, growing deert, the detruction of the foret and wild life, and the depletion of the ozone layer…

  Can he bear to ee her children putting the wate here and there? Can he bear too ee her children cutting down the tree and detroying the graland, to ee the acid rain detroying everything? Can we bear to ee our mother uffering o much? In' it time for u to ak ourelve whether thi i the way to treat our mother?

  Flood, draught, acid rain…,thee are the punihment from nature. Everyone hould know that there i only one earth, lfwe go on treating her like thi, it won't be fit for u to live in any longer. It' time for u to love her, take good care of her and cure her. We hould ave the earth o a to ave ourelve.






  Student' mental health ha been playing an increaingly important role in our day-to-day life. Indeed, it i widely accepted that it ha gained growing popularity among peron in all walk of life. There i a general dicuion today about the iue of diorder in brain。

  Obviouly, it i neceary that effective action hould be taken to prevent problem. Authoritie in univeritie play a critical role in the ituation. To begin with, chool, uch a college or univeritie, can provide chance for the young men to eae their attention. What' more, ome are phyically h2, but pychological problem are able to bring potential threat. Teache may have a chance to find them in advance. Beide, pecialit in thi field are to be required to make full preparation for cae in time. Facing the crii, expert can deal with it in a profeional way, which mean they have more or better opportunitie to ave u than other. (学校)[www.8zuowen.com]

  From the factor mentioned above, we may afely draw the concluion that we can free ourelve from mental illne by taking certain precaution. For example, if you have pain or puzzle in mind, finding a friend to expre thee i a good way to releae preure. Certainly, there i little doubt that further attention will be paid to the iue。(我们)


  When you go to work in the morning and find that traffic light don't work, the traffic jam will certainly happen. A patient need to be operated on at once. What will happen if the operation cannot be made becaue of the electricity. Without electricity, we can neither watch TV, liten to the tape, nor chat on line. Electricity i cloely related to our daily life.

  How terrible it would be if there were no electricity!





  正方 60%的同学认为:世界各国对孔子的研究愈来愈热,反映了人们对其思想的重视;孔子思想推动了世界和平的发展。

  反方 40%的同学认为:孔子思想诞生于几千年前,已经过时;孔子思想在某种意义上限制了社会的发展。



  1. 可适当发挥,以使行文连贯;

  2. 参考词汇:孔子思想Confucian thought 重视treaure过时的outdated。

  Lat week we had a dicuion about whether we till need Confucian thought in modern ociety. About 60% of the tudent in my cla think it neceary to tudy Confucian thought. For one thing, more and more people in different countrie are burting to tudy it, howing that it i till treaured in the world. For another, Confucian thought i believed to have made great contribution to the peace of human being.


  But every coin ha two ide. About 40% of the tudent in my cla init Confucian thought i outdated. In a way it limit the development of the world.


  Different people have different opinion. I think Confucian thought till ha ome poitive effect on our ociety.



  In the cartoon we can ee a tall and thin man, along with a hort and tout man are uing uitable hotpot for dinner. Apparently, the picture aim to emphaize that anything to be done mut be meaured in advance o that we are able to find a proper way to do it.

  Thi ame principle applie to olving any other problem. Firtly, when we want to know the reality of omething, we mut decribe it like it i, getting rid of our prejudice and exaggeration, o that we can have an unbiaed view. Secondly, the object hould be analyzed in a concrete way o that we can grap the reaon and rule of it. Thirdly, we mut adapt our approach to olving a problem, for each ituation i different from the other. So we mut view a problem from different perpective.

  The cartoon implie different meaning to different people. A teacher hould adopt different teaching method according to the tudent in the cla; a doctor hould precribe different treatment according to the patient’ ymptom; a farmer hould eed different plant according to the variou condition of the earth. From a philoophical point of view, diimilar problem hould be approached differently. Good reult come from attentive analyi of a problem.


  Ownerhip of houe in China ha changed greatly in the pat decade. In the pat, mot houe were tate-owned. But now, private houe are everywhere. A i hown in the chart above, in 1990, the city' houe were mainly tate-owned, with a percentage of 75. Thi percentage became 60 in the year 1995 and then dropped harply to 20 in 2000. At the ame time, the number of private houe ha oared up to 80 percent. There are mainly two reaon that account for thi rapid change. Firtly, the government ha been forwarding the policy to upport private houe program. Thee program have proved to be very important in developing China' economy. Secondly, with the development of economy, people' tandard of living ha rien. They want to have their own houe to atify their need. The change ha enabled more people to enjoy larger living pace. At the ame time, people feel preure to make more money o that they can buy their own houe.


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