

时间:2023-05-30 14:50



  American culture, in a sense, is an extension of European culture, because the language of the Americans, demographic composition and her spirit of the foundation are from Europe. On the other hand, American culture with Europe, because European immigrants in the North American continent to drive away after taking the Indians, in a barren wilderness land to create a stunning is the splendid civilization. Therefore, in the United States talk about cultural practices and social propriety, it is necessary to take account of the same culture of Europe and the United States, but also pay attention to both of the opposite sex. Cultural practices is a wide scope and complexity of the topic, people involved in social life and relations In all aspects.

  Of tolerance.The United States is a country of immigrants, the ancestors from around the world. People emigrated to the United States, not only in the location to move on, but also in their country and customs of the council to a new place of residence. As miscellaneous, people their differences very obvious because the differences are very common, people do not particularly pay attention to unity. In time, the cultural practices of the Americans formed a higher level of tolerance (tolerance), the different cultures and different appraisals on tolerance, an acceptable attitude. At this point, the U.S. society feasible than the custom of other countries in the world more broadly.

  From a political perspective, this tolerance of performance in the pursuit of freedom and the right to freedom of maintenance. From the religious that it reflected in the harmonious coexistence of different faiths. From the viewpoint of life, and it appeared in different communities, different ethnic communities live in peace. In a nutshell, in the United States, each person can basically arbitrary choice of different ideas, beliefs, traditions and customs and way of life; people can also keep a considerable extent, their customs and instrument.

  For example, Jews can celebrate their religious festivals, and Christians are to their Christmas and Easter. For example, again, the United States by Chinese in Chinatown Chinese live and work; the same token, the Vietnamese immigrants in their "little Saigon" according to Vietnams way of doing business and engaged in various activities.


  The United States of America, also known as the United States, the U.S., the U.S.A., and America, is a country in North America that shares land borders with Canada and Mexico, and a sea border with Russia. Extending from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean, the United States is a federal republic, with its capital in Washington, D.C.]www.8zuowen.com[

  The present-day continental United States has been inhabited for at least 15,000 years by indigenous tribes.[1] After European exploration and settlement in the 16th century, the English established their own colonies-and gained control of others that had been begun by other European nations-in the eastern portion of the continent in the 17th and early 18th centuries. On 4 July 1776, at war with Britain over fair governance, thirteen of these colonies declared their independence. In 1783, the war ended in British acceptance of the new nation. Since then, the country has more than quadrupled in size: it now consists of 50 states and one federal district; it also has numerous overseas territories.

  At over 3.7 million square miles (over 9.5 million km2), the U.S. is the third or fourth largest country by total area, depending on whether the disputed areas of China are included. It is the worlds third most populous nation, with nearly 300 million people.

  The United States has maintained a liberal democratic political system since it adopted its Articles of Confederation on 1 March 1781 and the Constitution, the Articles replacement, on 17 September 1787. American military, economic, cultural, and political influence increased throughout the 20th century; with the collapse of the Soviet Union at the end of the Cold War, the nation emerged as the worlds sole remaining superpower.[2] Today, it plays a major role in world affairs.

  The earliest known use of the name America is from 1507, when a globe and a large map created by the German cartographer Martin Waldseemüller in Saint-Die-des-Vosges described the combined continents of North and South America. Although the origin of the name is uncertain[3], the most widely held belief is that expressed in an accompanying book, Cosmographiae Introductio, which explains it as a feminized version of the Latin name of Italian explorer Amerigo Vespucci (Americus Vespucius); in Latin, the other continents names were all feminine. Vespucci theorized, correctly, that Christopher Columbus, on reaching islands in the Caribbean Sea in 1492, had come not to India but to a "New World".

  The Americas were also known as Columbia, after Columbus, prompting the name District of Columbia for the land set aside as the U.S. capital. Columbia remained a popular name for the United States until the early 20th century, when it fell into relative disuse; but it is still used poetically and appears in various names and titles. A female personification of the country is also called Columbia; she is similar to Britannia.[4][5][6][7] Columbus Day, a holiday in the U.S. and other countries in the Americas commemorating Columbus October 1492 landing.

  The term "united States of America" was first used officially in the Declaration of Independence, adopted on 4 July 1776. On 15 November 1777, the Second Continental Congreadopted the Articles of Confederation, the first of which stated "The Stile of this Confederacy shall be The United States of America."

  The adjectival and demonymic forms for the United States are American, a point of controversy among some.


  The main content of American culture is the emphasize on inpiduals value,the pursue of democracy and freedom,the promotion of deploitation and competition and the need of realistic and practicality.Its core is inpidualism:self first,personal need first,pursue of inpidual benefit and enjoyment,emphasize on achieving inpidual value by self-strive and self-design.This type of intentionally build up of personality and pursue customized inpidualism has its pros and cons,it gives incentives to people and make them exert on their potential and wisdom and as a result accelerate the development of the entire race and nation; on the other hand it is difficult to keep good relationship among people if everyone is egocentric thus make the entire society lack of unity.

  American citizens emphasize on achievements and respect heroes.They have great sense in their hearts to praise success and heroes.Personal achievements are one of those with the highest value in Americans mind.Americans have very strong senses of success.Success is the pursuit of most Americans,it is their attractive future and the incentives for moving forward.They believe that ones personal value is equivalent to his achievements in his career.Some high achievers in their career such as entrepreneurs,scientists,artists and all kinds of super starts became modern heroes.The process and result of how they strived have become the frame of reference of social culture value and the real life text book for parents to educate their children.

  American society has great movements within itself.These movements are shown in two aspects:movements amongst locations and movements inside the society.The United States are relatively more open and have more freedom.Developed transport and the tradition of adventure and sporty makes a lot of American migrate from countryside to cities,from downtown to uptown; and from north to the southern sunny land,from one city to another.Unlike European countries,the social classes in America is not so stable.Further more,with the advocation of public education,movements upwards along the social ladder have become possible.Many people living in the states,no matter whether they are Native American or immigrants from overseas,have the same dream of changing their social class and make their lifetime dream come true through their own efforts.This is what they often called "American dream".


  American flag for a rectangular shape, length and width ratio of 19:10 for the Stars and Stripes (the Star-Spangled Banner), the upper-left corner flag for the blue stars surface area of the stars a few provisions in the respective departments, the United States is the state flag on the number of a few of the stars. Star 13 is outside the red and white stripes, 13 stripes on behalf of the original 13 colonies in North America. According to Washington, said: symbol of the United Kingdom with red stripes, white stripes and a symbol of freedom from it. More general argument that the red symbol of strength and courage, a symbol of purity and innocence of white, blue is a symbol of vigilance, perseverance and justice. In 1818 the U.S. Congress pass the bill, red and white flag on the fixed width for the 13, the number of five-pointed star should be in line with several states of America. Each additional state, the national flag on a star to increase, the general in the new states to join the second year after the implementation of July 4. So far has been the national flag to 50 stars, representing the 50 U.S. states. June 14 each year as "the development of the anniversary of the American flag." On this day, commemorative activities held throughout the United States to show respect for the flag and love of America.

  美国国旗为长方形,长宽之比为19:10,为星条旗(the Star-Spangled Banner),旗面左上角为蓝色星区,区内的星数于有关部门规定,美国的州数就是国旗上的星数。星区以外是13道红白相间的条纹,13道条纹代表最初北美13块殖民地。据华盛顿说:红色条纹象征英国,白色条纹象征脱离它而获得自由。更普遍的说法认为,红色象征强大和勇气,白色象征纯洁和清白,蓝色则象征警惕,坚韧不拔和正义。1818年美国国会通过法案,国旗上的红白宽条固定为13道,五角星数目应与合众国州数一致。每增加一个州,国旗上就增加一颗星,一般在新州加入后的第二年7月4日执行。至今国旗上已增至50颗星,代表美国的50个州。每年6月14日为“美国国旗制定纪念日”。在这一天,美国各地举行纪念活动,以示对国旗的敬重和对合众国的热爱。


  In 1869, the draft of the statue of Liberty was completed, and Bartholdy began to throw himself into the work of sculpture. He has traveled to the United States to win American support for the statue scheme, but Americans have been slow to realize the value of the gift. Until 1876, Bartholdy held in Philadelphia to celebrate the 100th anniversary independent exposition, in order to attract public attention of , the statue of liberty he held the torch hand on display at the fair, just a sensation. Placed in front of people in this hand only index finger on the length of 2.44 meters, more than 1 meters in diameter, nail thickness of 25 cm, 12 people can stand on the edge of the torch. So this a few days ago also little-known sculpture suddenly worth a hundred times, become the everyone to appreciate art treasures.

  We boarded the cruise ship and went up to the two floor. The river wind is very cool, put the hair on my forehead to the back, behind the hair along the wind, blown into the "fluttering" hairstyle.

  I saw a wide river, suffused with blue waves, along the river, or building embedded in the trees between the hills, or tall, a flourishing; the distance, Shuitianyise blue, the river formed the sparkling, white water, and the sky seemed to have no boundaries, white clouds and the sky is abnormal white. I saw in the front of the right a statue standing there, that should be the Statue of Liberty, I think.

  Not far away, just 100 meters ahead, Statue of Liberty holds aloft the torch, gentle and kind, calm and steady. Under the blue sky and white clouds, the Statue of Liberty is like a pale blue jade carving. At this moment, a small sailing boat passed by, and added a beautiful landscape to this beautiful picture.


  The main content of American culture is the emphasize on inpiduals value,the pursue of democracy and freedom,the promotion of deploitation and competition and the need of realistic and practicality.Its core is inpidualism:self first,personal need first,pursue of inpidual benefit and enjoyment,emphasize on achieving inpidual value by self-strive and self-design.This type of intentionally build up of personality and pursue customized inpidualism has its pros and cons,it gives incentives to people and make them exert on their potential and wisdom and as a result accelerate the development of the entire race and nation; on the other hand it is difficult to keep good relationship among people if everyone is egocentric thus make the entire society lack of unity.


  The understanding of American culture must not end with what we know on TV, because she has the most distinctive features of her own, which is persity. As a country with a large immigrant population, the United States does not have a unique way of life, there is no only standard of conduct, and there is no unique culture. The persity of the United States penetration in all aspects of the country, the following guidelines may not be able to help you overcome all from the cultural differences, but hope to everyone to prepare for the basic study in the United States and general plan to help.

  Americans have a very different lifestyle than Chinese people. American food is light and easy to make, and the main course is meat, fish and chicken. A meal usually consists of only one main course, and salads and coffee are by no means less. Hot dogs and hamburgers are two of the most popular fast foods.

  Americans are so active that more than a fifth of them move every year. The most detailed list of houses and apartments available on Sunday in newspapers across the country can be used to find homes or to find local estate agents. In addition to paying for rent, the rent house generally pays for utilities, namely gas, electricity, heating, hot water and simple electrical repairs and other repairs. The rent is usually a month, usually on the first day of the month. Electricity in most parts of the United States is 110-120 volts, 60Hz.

  Almost every home in the United States has a car, and the American highway is very developed and accessible, so many americans work very far from where they live. They often go on a family trip during the holidays. The most popular means of transportation in the city are buses and subways. The subway is usually run day and night. Taxis are usually paid by distance or by distance. The whole country executes the right driving, the big city executes traffic regulation especially strict.


  Based on historical documents, modern survey and statistics, as well as the result of predecessor studies, the trend and main process of forest dynamics are recognized.

  The forest area and forest coverage rates for each province of China from 1700 to 1949 are es- timated backward by every 50 years. Linking the result with modern National Forest Inventory data, the spatial-temporal dynamics of Chinese forest in recent 300 years (AD 1700–1998) is quantitatively analyzed. The study shows that in recent 300 years, the forest area in current territory of China has declined by 0.95×108 hm2 (or 9.2% of the coverage rate) in total, with a trend of decrease and recovery.

  Before the 1960s, there was a trend of accelerated de- scending. The forest area was reduced by 1.66×108 hm2 (or 17% of the coverage rate) in 260 years. While after the 1960s, there has been a rapid increase. The forest area increased by 0.7×108 hm2 (or 8% of the coverage rate) in 40 years. The study also shows that there is a significant spatial difference in the dynamics of forest. The amplitudes of increasing and de- creasing in western China are both smaller than the ones in eastern China. During the rapid declining period from 1700 to 1949, the most serious decrease appeared in the Northeast, the Southwest and the Southeast, where the coverage rate in most provinces dropped over 20%.

  In Heilongjiang Province, the coverage rate dropped by 50%. In Jilin Province, it dropped by 36%. In Sichuan Province and Chongqing Municipality, it dropped by 42%. In Yunnan Prov- ince, it dropped by 35%. During the recovery period 1949–1998, the western provinces, mu- nicipality and autonomous regions, including Ningxia, Gansu, Inner Mongolia, Si- chuan–Chongqing, Yunnan, Tibet, Xinjiang and Qinghai, etc, the increase rates are all below 5%, while the eastern provinces, municipality and autonomous regions (except Heilongjiang, Hubei, Jiangsu–Shanghai) have achieved an increase over 5%, among which the Guang- dong–Hainan, Guangxi, Anhui, Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei, Shandong, Henan, Zhejiang, and Fu- jian have an increase over 10%.


  American eating is funny. They eat almost everything with a fork, and it appears that holding a knife in ones right hand longer than a few seconds is considered to be against good table manners.

  The system is that if it is absolutely necessary to use a knife, people take the fork in their left hand, and cut off a piece of meat or whatever it is in the normal manner. Then they put the knife down, transfer the fork to their right hand, and only then do they transport the food to their mouth. This is clearly ludicrous, but it is considered good manners.

  There are several results of this system. First, if it is not absolutely necessary to use a knife, Americans dont use one, because obviously this greatly complicates things, and you will therefore see them trying to cut things like potatoes, fish and even bacon with a fork. Second, towards the end of a course, since only one implement is being used, food has to bo chased around the plate with the fork - and for the last mouthful the thumb has to be used to keep the food in place, although one is not supposed to do this.

  Third, tables are generally laid with one knife and two forks, the outside fork being for the salad. There is no need for foreign visitors to follow the American system and try to eat the salad with only a fork, but if you do use your knife, remerber to save it for the meat course. Even desserts(甜食) (except ice cream) are eaten with a fork if at all possible, and the spoon you see by your dessert is meant to be for coffee (but if you use it for your dessert no one will say anything).


  The Culture of the United States is a Western culture, and has been developing since long before the United States became a country. Today the United States is a perse and multi-cultural nation.

  The types of food served at home vary greatly and depend upon the region of the country and the familys own cultural heritage. Recent immigrants tend to eat food similar to that of their country of origin, and Americanized versions of these cultural foods, such as American Chinese cuisine or Italian-American cuisine often eventually appear. German cuisine also had a profound impact on American cuisine, especially the mid-western cuisine, with potatoes and meat being the most iconic ingredients in both cuisines.Dishes such as the hamburger, pot roast, baked ham and hot dogs are examples of American dishes derived from German cuisine.

  The primary, although not official, language of the United States is American English. According to the 20xx U.S. Census, more than 97% of Americans can speak English well, and for 81% it is the only language spoken at home. Nearly 30 million native speakers of Spanish also reside in the US. There are more than 300 languages besides English which can claim native speakers in the United States-some of which are spoken by the indigenous peoples (about 150 living languages) and others which were imported by immigrants. American Sign Language, used mainly by the deaf, is also native to the country. Hawaiian is also a language native to the United States, as it is indigenous nowhere else except in the state of Hawaii. Spanish is the second most common language in the United States, and is one of the official languages, and the most widely spoken, in the U.S. Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.

  There are four major regional dialects in the United States: northeastern, south, inland north, and midwestern. The Midwestern accent (considered the "standard accent" in the United States, and analogous in some respects to the received pronunciation elsewhere in the English-speaking world) extends from what were once the "Middle Colonies" across the Midwest to the Pacific states.


  American eating is funny. They eat almost everything with a fork, and it appears that holding a knife in ones right hand longer than a few seconds is considered to be against good table manners.

  The system is that if it is absolutely necessary to use a knife, people take the fork in their left hand, and cut off a piece of meat or whatever it is in the normal manner. Then they put the knife down, transfer the fork to their right hand, and only then do they transport the food to their mouth. This is clearly ludicrous(滑稽可笑), but it is considered good manners.

  There are several results of this system. First, if it is not absolutely necessary to use a knife, Americans dont use one, because obviously this greatly complicates(使复杂化) things, and you will therefore see them trying to cut things like potatoes, fish and even bacon(熏猪肉) with a fork. Second, towards the end of a course, since only one implement(器具) is being used, food has to bo chased around the plate with the fork - and for the last mouthful the thumb has to be used to keep the food in place, although one is not supposed to do this.

  Third, tables are generally laid with one knife and two forks, the outside fork being for the salad. There is no need for foreign visitors to follow the American system and try to eat the salad with only a fork, but if you do use your knife, remerber to save it for the meat course. Even desserts(甜食) (except ice cream) are eaten with a fork if at all possible, and the spoon you see by your dessert is meant to be for coffee (but if you use it for your dessert no one will say anything).


  A history of long and effortless success can be a dreadful handicap,but,if properly handled,it may become a driving force.When the United States entered just such a glowing period after the end of the Second World War,it had a market eight times larger than any competitor ,giving its industries unparalleled economies of scale.Its scientists were the worlds best,its workers the most skilled.American and Americans were prosperous beyongd the dreams of the Europeans and Asians whose economeics the war had destroyed.

  It was inevitable that this primacy should have narrowed as other countries grew richer.Just as inevitably,the retreat from predominace proved painful.By the mid 1980s Americans had found themselves at a losss over their fading industrial competitiveness.Some huge American industries,such as consumer electronics,hand shrunk or vanished in the face of foreign competitiong.By 1987 there was only one American television maker left,Zenith.(Now there is none :Zenith was bought by SouthKoreasLGElectronics in July.)Foreign made cars and textiles were sweeeping into the domestic market.Americas machine-tool industry was on the ropes.For a while it looked as though the makeing of semiconductors,whidh America had invented and which sat at the heart of the new computer age,was going to be the next caualty.

  All of this caused a crisis of confidenc.Americans stopped taking prosperity ofr granted .They began to believe that their way of doing business was failing,and that their incomes would therefore shourtly begin to fall as well .The mind -1980s brought one inquiry after another into the causes ofAmericas in dustrial decline.Thir sometimes sensational findings were filled with warnings about the growing competitiong from overseas.

  How things have changed!I1995 the United States can look back on five years of solid growth while Japan has been struggling.Few Americans attribute this Self doubt has yielded to blind pride.American industry has changed its structure ,has gone on a diet ,has learnt to be more quik witted,according to Richard Cavanagh,executive dean of Harvards Kennedy School of Government.It makes me proud to be an American just to see how our businesses are improving theirproductivity,says Stephen Moore of the Cato Institute ,a think tank in Washington,DC,And William Sahlman of the Harvard Business School believes that people will look back on this perido as a golden age of business management in the United States.


  This Thursday is Thanksgiving Day. The writer O’Henry called it the one day that is purely American. Thanksgiving is not a religious holiday. But it has ritual meaning. Some Americans attend religious services on the day before Thanksgiving or on Thanksgiving morning. Others travel long distances to be with their families. They have a large dinner which is the main part of the celebration. For many Americans, Thanksgiving is the only time when all members of the family gather. The holiday is a time of family reunion. Thanksgiving week is generally one of the busiest travel times of the year.

  However, experts say this year probably will be different. On September 11th, thousands of people died when terrorists hijacked airplanes that struck buildings in Washington D.C. and New York City. Many people now say they are worried about flying on a plane. Travel experts say almost 6 percent fewer people will make long trips this Thanksgiving compared with last year.

  Many Americans who usually visit family and friends by plane are driving shorter distances instead this week. Some mental health experts say the attacks have frightened people. They say people feel safer and happier close to home. More than any other holiday, Thanksgiving is a celebration of family and home. Many people say that this year they are especially thankful for their families and friends and the good things in their lives.

  On Thanksgiving, people enjoy a long day of cooking, eating and talking. The traditional meal almost always includes the turkey with a bread mixture cooked inside. Other traditional Thanksgiving food served with turkey are sweet potatoes, cranberries and pumpkin pie. Stores are said to sell more food at Thanksgiving than at any other time of the year, and many people eat more food at Thanksgiving than at any other time of the year. Over the years, Americans have added new traditions to their Thanksgiving celebration. For example, a number off professional and university football games are played on Thanksgiving Day. Some of the games are broadcast on national television.


  the united states covers a large part of the north american continent。 its neighbours are canada to the north, and mexico to the south。

  when this land first became a nation, after winning its independence from engand, it had thirteen states。 each of the states was represented of the american flag by a star。 all these states were in the eastern part of the continent。 as the nation grew toward the west, new states were added and new states appeared on the flag。 for a long time, there were 48 states。 in 1959, however, two more stars were added to the flag, representing the new states of alaska and hawaii。

  indians were the first inhabitants of the land which is now the united states。 there are still many thousands of the descendants of these original inhabitants living in all parts of the country。 sometimes it is said that the indians are "the only real americans。"

  most americans, however, are descendants of people who came from all over the world to find a new life in a new land。 those who came first and in greatest numbers to make their homes on the eastern coast of north america were mostly from england。 it is for that reason that the language of the united states is english and that its culture and customs are more like those of england than of any other country in the world。





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