

时间:2023-06-08 15:38



  let us suppose that you are in the position of a parent. would you allow your children to read any book they wanted to without first checking its contents? would you take your children to see any film without first finding out whether it is suitable for them? if your answer to these questions is ‘yes’, then you are either extremely permissive, or just plain irresponsible. if your answer is ‘no’, then you are exercising your right as a parent to protect your children from what you consider to be undesirable influences. in other words, by acting as a censor yourself, you are admitting that there is a strong case for censorship.

  now, of course, you will say that it is one thing to exercise censorship where children are concerned and quite another to do the same for adults. children need protection and it is the parents’ they old enough to decide what is good for them? the answer is that many adults are, but don’t make the mistake of thinking that all adults are like yourself. censorship is for the good of society as a whole. highly civilized people might find it possible to live amicably together without laws of any kind: they would just rely on good sense to solve their problems. but imagine what chaos there would be if we lived in a society without laws! like the law, censorship contributes to the common good.some people think that it is disgraceful that a censor should interfere with works of art. who is this person, they say, to ban this great book or cut that great film? no one can set himself up as a superior being. but we must remember two things. firstly, where genuine works of art are concerned, modern censors are extremely liberal in their views—often far more liberal than a large section of the public. artistic merit is something which censors clearly recognize. and secondly, we must bear in mind that the great proportion of books, plays and films which come before the censor are very far from being ‘works of art’.

  when discussing censorship, therefore, we should not confine our attention to great masterpieces, but should consider the vast numbers of publications and films which make up the bulk of the entertainment industry. when censorship laws are relaxed, unscrupulous people are given a license to produce virtually anything in the name of ‘art’. there is an increasing tendency to equate ‘artistic’ with ‘pornographic’. the vast market for pornography would rapidly be exploited. one of the great things that censorship does is to prevent certain people from making fat profits by corrupting the minds of others. to argue in favor of absolute freedom is to argue in favor of anarchy. society would really be the poorer if it deprived itself of the wise counsel and the restraining influence which a censor provides.【www.8zuowen.com】



  这次英语戏剧节的内容比较丰富,有二(1)班的《fashion show》、二(3)班的《snow white and the seven dwarfs》、二(5)班的《the enormous turnip》……看,随着《江南style》音乐的响起,二(2)班的舞蹈小达人闪亮登场了。他们踩着欢快的节奏,在舞台上尽情地挥洒他们的舞姿。接下来是时装小达人,他们穿着自己喜欢的衣服,在t台上秀他们的风采。英语戏剧节在二(5)班有趣的舞台剧中圆满地结束。



  dear mrs. hobart,

  can you and mr. hobart join us and a few other friends on monday evening, february 10 for dinner? later we plan to go to the bernhadt theater to see burton thorpe in hamlet. dinner will be at six-thirty to allow plenty of time for the drive into town and arrival before curtain time. we do hope you can come!

  yours sincerely,

  pattricia marks

  410 forest avenue

  oak park





  我们的班大约有二十多人,教我们表演戏剧的外籍老师叫Danni。初次见面,就有很亲切的感觉,使我上课时也放松多了。Danni老师先让我们简单地介绍一下自己。轮到我了,我响亮地说了:“I’m Sandy. I’m from No.2 primany school.”然后轮到下一个同学,等全部都介绍玩了。老师开始和我们玩游戏,第一个游戏是这样玩的:老师先分了apple组,banana组和grape组,然后搬来张凳子,围成一个圆形,然后老师一念哪个单词,那个组的同学就要抢凳子,抢不到的就输了。我们玩了几个回合,我还是没有输,我太高兴了。随着时间慢慢流逝,五点也到了。于是我们先各自回家,明天再按时回来上课。





  来到舞台前,我们按顺序坐好。表演开始了,先是别人组开始演。看着他们的努力表现,我真有点担心我能不能发挥好。轮到我们了,我怀着紧张的心情走上舞台。开始了,我们都演得很好,可就在我放心的时候,有一个同学竟然忘记台词了。霎那间,我急中生智,用一句“See you.”把话接到了我那边。过了几分钟后,表演完了,全场激起了雷鸣般的掌声,同时,我心里的一块大石头也放下来了。




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