

时间:2023-07-01 03:35



  The sense of happiness is of great significance. As a vital factor of life, it brings us power, arouses our enthusiasm for loving life, and helps us to create a promising future. However, in contemporary China, it has become a trend for Chinese people to hold different views about happiness and the way to enhance it.

  In addition to material basis, the sense of happiness also refers to several others aspects. Firstly, based on a recent survey, a majority of inpiduals admit that they are no longer content with being fed and clothed adequately, and their happiness depends more on their success in careers, friendship and love. Secondly, a great many people claim that health is the key to their sense of happiness. It is health that enables them to build up a solid foundation for anything significant.

  As a college student, I am convinced that never can money equal happiness. To enhance our sense of happiness, we should educate, advocate and encourage our friends and classmates to enrich their knowledge, broaden their horizon and cultivate their ability.





  Everyone has a family. I have a family, too. I name it “Happy family”, because everyone in my family is happy.

  Come and meet my family, please! My mother is kind. I love her, and she loves me, too. My mother is pretty. She likes beautiful clothes. I call her“Dressy Mum”. My father is a boss. He is tall and thin. He has a small head. I give him a nickname“Small Head Father”. I am fat and lovely. I have a big head. I give myself a nickname“Big Head Girl”. I study hard. I am a good student.〔www.8zuowen.com〕

  We are happy every day!





  Happiness means different things to different people. For example, some students believe that if they have much money or a large number of possessions, they will be happy. They believe that they will be able to do anything they want to if they have money.Some students think that they should be in good health, and enjoy whatever they like. Many students wish to have much wealth from their parents. In this way they don’t have to work hard, and they can have everything.

  I don’t agree with the above points. We can’t buy many important things with money, such as health, happiness and knowledge. I value knowledge, which makes me happy, for I can do much for mankind with knowledge. Although different people value happiness differently, my “wealth” of happiness is in my study.

  幸福对不同的人意味着不同的东西。 例如,一些学生认为,如果他们有很多金钱或大量财产,他们会很高兴。 他们认为只要有钱就可以为所欲为。一些学生认为他们应该身体健康,喜欢什么就享受什么。 许多学生希望从父母那里得到很多财富。 这样他们就不用努力工作,他们可以拥有一切。

  我不同意以上几点。 我们不能用金钱买到很多重要的东西,比如健康、快乐和知识。 我重视知识,这使我快乐,因为我可以用知识为人类做很多事情。 虽然不同的人对幸福的重视程度不同,但我的幸福“财富”在我的书房里。


  Happiness exists everywhere. Everyone has different definitions of happiness.幸福存在于每个地方。每个人对幸福的定义都不同。

  Some people think possessing a great deal of money is the secret to happiness, while others feel giving aid to others makes them happy. I approve of the latter.有的人认为拥有大笔钱是幸福的秘诀,而有的人感觉给予别人帮助会让自己感到幸福。我同意后者。

  There are many poor people in our society, and we can contribute some money to charities to help them. When the poor receive our assistance, their lives will be improved. Smiles will appear on their faces, and this is the best reward we can get from helping others. When we see their happy smiles, we will be happy as well.社会中有很多穷人,我们可以捐一些钱到慈善机构帮助他们。当那些穷人得到帮助的时候,他们的生活会得到改善。他们的脸上会充满微笑,这也是我们帮助他们所得到的最好的回报。当我们看到他们快乐的笑容,我们也会感到很幸福。

  So I think that true happiness comes from the heart.所以我认为真正的幸福来自我们的内心。


  The Way to Happiness When it comes to the topic of happiness, everybody has his own interpretation. But an inspiring idea goes that happiness is not the absence of problems, but the ability to deal with them, which reveals the nature of happiness. Happiness will be achieved only when we show great courage to confront problems and develop the capacity to solve them. There is no denying that we will encounter many problems in our life, but that doesn't mean we are deprived of h happiness. Many people have set great examples for us to follow: Nelson Mandela was sentenced to 27 years in prison, but he was optimistic and finally became successful in fighting against racial segregation. Steve Jobs was abandoned by his biological parents and dropped out of university but still managed to change the world.

  In our lives, no one is definitely immune to problems, but we may achieve happiness through striving.




  In my eyes, happiness should be very simple, it does not depend on you how many money? Whether you Jiacaiwanguan, these are not the happiness should be.


  I think for an amputee, happiness, for them, is able to move, to be able to walk.


  So, for me, what is my happiness? To be able to see the good friends are very happy, can help you give advice and suggestions. To become a conscientious worker, (themselves) tohave a sense of responsibility, can meet when things calm down, everything can beconsidered from the overall situation, is able to sympathize with others, to offer, can have loveheart, to forgive, to be tolerant, also to love our enemies, everything is calm, not with hatredmind, this is my idea of happiness, although very small is very ordinary, but, who let Ioriginally is the ordinary people? Ha ha.



  I have a happy family.They is mommy,daddy,grandpa,and grandma.I am happy.

  My mother is tall and thin.She is very beautiful.I like her very much.I love her very much too.She is good to me.

  My father is tall and thin,too.He is very strong and kind.He is good at math.I like to play with him.He is mang.

  My grandpa is not here.I am very sad.I am crying.I want to see my grandpa again!

  My grandma is old and fat.I like her very much.She says very duo.I love her very much.

  I love my happy family,do you like they?









  In this long journey we call "life", everybody is in pursuit of happiness and has their own interpretation of happiness. An inspiring idea is that happiness is not the absence of problems, but the ability to deal with them, which reveals the very truth about happiness. It cannot be achieved through waiting, but only through striving.

  There is no way that life always progresses as we wish. Problems may occur and we find ourselves in trouble, but it doesn't mean we are deprived of happiness. There are numerous examples for us to follow: disabled people overcoming obstacles, patients fighting against disease, poverty-stricken people achieving their dreams -- all these inspiring heroes. Their lives are definitely not problem-free, but they have found happiness by courageously solving problems.

  Therefore, it is essential to develop the ability to deal with problems. We need to muster our courage and confidence to face the fact. Meanwhile, we need to find effective ways to cope with them.

  In a word, if we stay strong and approach problems effectively, there will be no storm in life that we cannot weather. And after the storm, happiness is within our reach.






  Last night, I read the news about a professor who wrote the paper 20 years ago. He did some research about asking people whether they were happy and he came up with the conclusion that happiness belonged to two kinds of people, they are the one who lived in peace and the other was who lived with great achievement. But 20 years later, he decided to revisit these people and he found that the conclusion about happiness he made before was wrong. Most people with great achievement felt not happy because they met setbacks.

  The professor came up with the new conclusion that the real happiness lies in the peaceful soul. This is the code of happiness.





  Can Money Buy Happiness?

  Can money buy happiness? Different people have different opinions. Some think yes, while others hold the opposite.

  It is true that with enough money one can buy all the things one wants, and live a life of comfort and security. However, it is equally true that lack of money causes great distress. It is a common view that "money is the root of all evil." The pursuit of money drives many people to cheat and steal. In some places there is nothing that cannot be bought with money, resulting in corrupt societies where everybody is miserable.

  So, money does not necessarily mean happiness. It all depends on how it is used. If we make honest and sensible use of money, it can be a stepping-stone to happiness l Although money cannot buy happiness, it can make happiness possible if it is employed sensibly.







  When facing a TV field interview on “are you happy?”, those people, wearing decent or fashionable clothes and carrying expensive bags, stunned and hesitated to response, with their puzzled eyes wide open. On the contrary, the beggar in rags confidently answered “I’m very happy”, grinning from ear to ear and contenting himself with appetizing smell of a fried chicken leg in his bowl.

  In a comparative way, the pictures vividly present us a philosophy: wealth isn’t in proportion to happiness. Happiness is nothing but subjective perception. It doesn’t mean that the wealthier you are, the happier you are. Just as depicted in the pictures, those possessing more property than the beggar still couldn’t feel that they live happy lives. On the other hand, if approached inappropriately, more wealth may cause huge disasters. To a great extent, some officiallings or second rich generations go astray or commit crimes mostly because of abusing huge fortunes inherited from their prestigious parents.

  Happiness is everyone’s pursuit but it is not directly proportional to wealth. Wealth shouldn’t be treated as the best measure of happiness. Only by cherishing what you own now and persisting in achieving what you desire will you experience the real happiness.



  这两幅图片通过一种比较的方式告诉我们一个哲理:财富与幸福并不成正比。幸福只是一种主观感受。你拥有的财富越多,并不意味着你就越快乐。正如那两幅图 片描绘的那样,那些人拥有的财富比那个乞丐多,但他们并没有感到自己过着一种幸福的生活。另一方面,如果过多的财富使用不当,还会带来灾难。在很大程度 上,一些官二代或富二代之所以走上歧途或犯罪,主要是因为其滥用从声望显赫的父母那里继承来的巨额财富所致。



  Last year my father lost his job. At that time my parents felt a bit sad. I encouraged my father and said I was old enough and could do something to help. In order to help my parents, I took a part time job on weekends in the KFC near my home.

  Luckily, it didn't take long time for my father to find a new job in a company. With the money I earned through working I bought a pair of new shoes for my father to celebrate the good news. My parents were deeply moved.

  I said, "We are a happy family whether we are rich or poor.





  Everyone has a family. I have a family, too. I name it “Happy family”, because everyone in my family is happy.

  Come and meet my family, please! My mother is kind. I love her, and she loves me, too. My mother is pretty. She likes beautiful clothes. I call her“Dressy Mum”. My father is a boss. He is tall and thin. He has a small head. I give him a nickname“Small Head Father”. I am fat and lovely. I have a big head. I give myself a nickname“Big Head Girl”. I study hard. I am a good student.

  We are happy every day!







  Happiness is skating in the snow, because it is a very happy thing. My partner and I like to paddle lightly in the snow like birds.


  Happiness is catching butterflies in spring. Because butterflies are very beautiful, we will not bear to keep them forever. Sometimes we will catch butterflies together and let them fly in order to watch them dancing in the air.


  Happiness is to eat a delicious buffet, because I can choose any food I like. Candy, seafood, mutton It's so interesting to have everything while eating!


  Happiness is to pick fruits in autumn. There are sweet apples, yellow pears and many fruits. We can feel the joy of harvest.


  Happiness is drinking a cup of sweet water in the desert, because if there is no water, people will die. Water is the source of human life.


  I am a small girl and live in an ordinary family.

  I have many friends and we always play together. We talk about everything and share our happiness and sorrow. Though my parents are not rich,they care me all the time.

  When I need them,they will stand by my side. I am so lucky to have the happy life and I am so thankful to it.





  The meaning of happiness is always discussed by people, some people think that getting great achievement in career is the happiness for them, while some people believe that happiness is to have someone they love around. For me, I am happy all the time. I have many good friends, and we share the same interest. We help each other in study and make progress together. What's more, my parents support me all the time. Though we are an ordinary family, we don't lack of anything.

  Happiness is around me all the time and I can sense it. To cherish the things we have will please us always.




  Can Money Buy Happiness?

  Can money buy happiness? Different people have different opinions. Some think yes, while others hold the opposite. It is true that with enough money one can buy all the things one wants, and live a life of comfort and security. However, it is equally true that lack of money causes great distress. It is a common view that "money is the root of all evil." The pursuit of money drives many people to cheat and steal. In some places there is nothing that cannot be bought with money, resulting in corrupt societies where everybody is miserable. So, money does not necessarily mean happiness. It all depends on how it is used. If we make honest and sensible use of money, it can be a stepping-stone to happiness l Although money cannot buy happiness, it can make happiness possible if it is employed sensibly.





  When people ask me what is happiness for me, I would say that is to achieve the great success and earn a lot of money two years ago, but one thing changes my viewpoint about it. One year ago, my uncle got sick badly, and he had to stay in the hospital for one month. My uncle worked very hard and he made a lot of money and everybody wanted to be as successful as him. However, the doctor said it was the irregular work and rest that made my uncle got sick, and he needed to slow down and took a good rest. Since then, my uncle realized the time to spend with families was the great happiness for him. He was no longer addicted to working. My uncle changes my idea about happiness.

  Families come first, no matter what we do.




  Recently the Students’ Union has made a survey about what is happiness among 100 students of our school. 32 percent of the surveyed students think that wealth is happiness because they think they can buy anything they want if they have much wealth. On the other hand, 45 percent of them hold the view that they should be in good health so that they can enjoy whatever they like. However, the rest 23 percent students believe that knowledge will bring him a bright future, and he feels happy.

  From the survey I know that different people value happiness in different ways and as for me, my happiness exists in my study.




  I like to read fairy tales and I have read a lot. In every fairy tale, there will be a good girl and a prince, the good girl always wins the prince’s heart. The happy ending is admitted in the story. I believe that if I keep myself a kind girl, then I will get other people’s love and help.



  For happiness, comedian Fan Wei once had such a wonderful saying: "happiness is when you are hungry, when you see someone holding a bun in his hand, he will be happier than me; when you see someone wearing a padded jacket in the cold, he will be happier than me; when you see someone smiling in the sad, he will be happier than me!" these simple humor, whether you can say that happiness and money are not necessarily linked.



  While the pace of people’s living is speeding up, the happiness index is lower and lower. According to the recent statistic conducted by CCTV—China's most influential television station,people who hold that they are in a state of unhappiness account for 78%. This phenomenon is mostly due to the different attitudes towards happiness. To my mind, for one thing, it is necessary to keep positive mind when confronting with unpleasant things. For another, cooperation is of great significance in our life.

  On the basis of the analysis above, we may draw a conlusion that keeping optimistic, cooperative, and stronghearted, combined with being persistent and decisive, really count in dealing with problems and being happy. Only people who are skilled in handling problems can fully enjoy happiness and success.





  Someone asks me what on earth happiness means? I can't give you the exact definition of it, but I'm sure if you love and help others, you'll get it.

  I'll never forget an old lady. She lives in a small house alone. It's said that her husband and her son died in a traffic accident. How bitter her life is!But the old lady often helps others with a smile. Whenever it snows, she is always the first to clean the paths. She looks after several children living nearby. I am one of them. I often remember the stories she told us and her kind smile. Perhaps she is unlucky, but I think she is a happy person. Her life is full of laughter and love.

  But I'm sad to see some people getting their happiness in bad ways.They speak loudly in cinemas and meeting rooms; they destroy trees to enjoy themselves and they laugh at others' shortcomings. Perhaps they feel happy at that time, but they will never get true happiness because they have lost their personality.

  Now I know what happiness is. It means kindness, love andunselfishness. Above all, only bringing happiness to others can make you yourself get it.





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